Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday Night

Last night we learned the Thriller Dance by Michael Jackson for
mutual.It was so much fun.

Then I had a freaky dream.

I was in the wilderness with the Potters and Lucy got lost for three days.
When we found her,she was a very mean kitty.It was strange.

I'm sorry for putting my password up for everybody to see and I changed my password.
I will try and find the music video for Thriller so everyone can see:)


cassie[carnivore] said...

I forgot,Heidi,thank you for my new layout for my
blog.It is very cute:)

heidi said...

no prob cassie--everyone needs to be really careful on the internet because there are some not so good people out there--so I am glad you changed your password.

what is it?

just kidding.

Potters said...

i had a dream that lucy was the size of a big house. then we lost her. And I was babysitting luke in my dream and I lost him.

Serena Potter said...

So, subliminaly you hate my cat?

cassie[carnivore] said...

no i dont hate your cat!!!
i love lucy!it was just a scary dream.

heidi said...

when are you going to do a new post?