Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm excited!!

School is almost out!!
But it's also sad cause a lot of my friends are leaving...
I will miss them but I'm pretty sure that I will see them again..
For now on whenever I blog I'm going to write down which song is on my mind at the end
of my post. It will be cool. I get songs stuck in my mind most of the time.
I have a question... What are everyone's pet peeves? I will tell you mine at the end too.
Kinda random but I'm just wondering.
I'm really getting into eighty's music lately. Haha so choice.
Must go study for icky icky law final.

Song- Final countdown-Europe

Pet peeve- whining little kids.


heidi said...

my pet peeve is people that lie.

the song on my mind today was book of mormon stories.

Hunter said...

Pet Peeve: Doing the dishwasher and washing dishes

No song on my mind