Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My hair

Is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!

First of all, I never wanted my hair done.NEVER!!
But Mom insisted I HAD to get it done.

Now It's this HORRIBLE cut and toe head white blonde which totally
clashes with my horrible arian skin tone!!!!
I wish a was dead!!!!!


Christie said...

It can't be that bad-you're a doll, so I bet white-blond looks good on you. Bad haircuts happen to all of us, don't worry.

heidi said...

um yeah...I sure have had my fair share of BAD hair cuts and color!!!

The best thing about a bad haircut is two weeks. It won't be so bad in two weeks. Now for the color you probably think it's worse than it really looks.

Good luck...and please don't die.

Rachel Niu said...

Oh hahahaha.... I love that you said "Arian" skin tone. Cass, you're a beauty and you need to own that blonde hair!!