Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have a new favorite movie

Drillbit Taylor is sooooooo hilarious!I watched it with my friend Vania.
Last night we go dropped off at Barnes and Nobles for an hour and a half.I actually
had a purpose for going.Christie-
did you know that the new book for the Tree shepherd's Daughter is out?
Unfortunetly I didn't have any money to buy it.It is strange.Whenever I go into B+n
without money I always find books that I want.But when I go with money I never find anything
I want.Vania and I went into the teen section and started reading random chapters of cheesy love novels.
I was literaly lying on the floor laughing my pants off!Then we went into the cd section and started rocking out
to Hardcore emo rock music.Then we found a Prince Caspian book thingy that told about the movie.Kinda like the stuff
Christie would get about Lord of the Rings.I wanted it sooooooooooooooo bad!The first page was a huge pic of Ben Barnes.
It was sweet.Well,Ich muss ghe.
See ya.


Christie said...

Those movie trivia books are so awesome. I have all the LOTR ones, and also one for the first Narnia movie. You should get the Prince Caspian one net time you have money.
And I really want the Tree Shepherd's Daughter sequel. Lucky that the two of you had a good time. I've never met Vania, but I like her.

cassie[carnivore] said...

She is like the most awesome person ever!i'm so glad the rutmans adopted her.

Christie said...

I'll have to take the two of you out sometime when I'm home. Santa Cruz, or something.

Lori Franke said...

more like the mall.she's never been.she went to santa cruz with jarred.


Christie said...

Sounds like a plan. You can help me look for school clothes.

Potters said...

i went to b+n yesterday and found a mag all about prince caspian. i wanted it so bad.