Sunday, July 13, 2008


Why do people always insist on coping,or trying to be like other people?Why can't
they just be themselves?It's stupid!And why does everyone keep on calling me Emo?!
Just because I got my hair cut shorter in the back like Victoria Beckham,Mike says I'm emo!
I am not!I'm Indie!An Indavidual!I don't try to coping other people's sayings!Jeez!
Other than the people that call me emo,People say that I have the most wonderful hair.Which I do.
One of Mom's student's mother is a hair stylist and said that every hair has it's place.She also put Red
Hair extensions in it because she said that the hair dye would damage my hair.This Thursday I have an apointment
with her then that evening I'm going to see the band,Boys LIke Girls.That is going to be fun.I really need some sleep.
I am suffering terribly from sleep deprevation.I went to Barnes and Nobles for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I got a book but still!!I think only MaCall knows what I went to Barnes and Nobles for.It was stupid.
I really should like go take a chill pill.I walk three miles to my friends house the other day all by myself.It was sweet.
Mom won't let me do it again.Oh well,I'm going to try and hang out with my homie Vania tomarrow.
That will be nice.I'm going to take another nap.See ya.


heidi said...

I hope you never walk 3 miles alone to your friends house. The world is a different place and you need to be careful. If your hair was about 6 inches shorter it might look like victoria beckhams--it doesn't btw. mike is just jealous that his hair isn't cut like yours.
rant away--i've been on one too.

Christie said...

Mike's a punk, and I'll agree that you're much more indie than emo. And if you're going to walk places, I suggest you invest in some pepper spray. It's not a safe world out there. Course I can't really talk, I walk everywhere.

Go ahead and rant-better out than in, I always say. Call me if you need to, okay?

cassie[carnivore] said...

I don't see what the problem is.It was just over to marea's house.

Potters said...

do i know why you went to barnes and nobles? i don't remember why.

Christie said...

Marea's house isn't three miles away, and you're right, that's nothing. I thought you meant across town.

heidi said...

you said it was 3 miles.

Lori Franke said...

christie it is so three miles away.from our house to her's it is.

Anonymous said...

you get to see boys like grls? lucky...