Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunny days and Fridays are always the best!!

Yesterday,my friends Miriam,Aj,Brandon and I went on an adventure ALL OVER Christmas Hill Park.

It was so fun!And tiring...

We walked from one end of the levy to the other end.

After that,we took off our shoes and put our feet in the freezing cold water and explored the sewage pipes.(I did at least)

They weren't filled or anything.

It was really fun.

We climbed through over grown plants,trees and flowers.

after our little adventure,we decided to see Seventeen again.

We had five minutes to get there.It's a good thing they live down the street from the movie theatre.

It was stupid.I didn't like it.But I was so tired that i could hardly keep my eyes open.

Then we had to walk all the way back in the cold.

It was fun though!!

I love my friends,I can't wait to hang out with them again!

(Left to right,Vania,Me and Jess.Next pic,Aj,Me and Miriam)


Christie said...

The girls and I used to do stuff like that. Christmas Hill is such a fun place to explore. You guys look so great together in those pics.

Potters said...

fun fun fun