Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner.
It was fun.
While we were playing apples to apples, my phone rang
and it was some punk who wouldn't tell me their name.
So like any reasonable person would,
I hung up.
Only for them to call me again.
But I didn't answer.
One of the missionaries did and said,
" Hello this is Elder Duncun."
And it turned out to be my friend Ashley whose
phone got hijacked by her obnoxious friend.
I was so incredibly embarrassed that I started shaking so hard!
My hands were literally moving so fast!
MaCall can 'amen' this because she started laughing at me.
Then the other missionary, Elder Cannon,
asked MaCall and I to guess which songs he was playing on the
He first played Apologize by One Republic, then Crush by David Archaleta and then
Rihanna's Round of Applause.
My heart melted like a popsicle does when it's neglected in the kitchen or on
a sidewalk.It was fun.
But now I am sad,
my German friend Miriam is leaving tomorrow.
I am going to miss her so much!!
She has become one of my closest friends!
I am so going to visit her in Christmas.

Song: Razia's Shadow-Forgive Durden.
Peeve: screaming babies and neglecting mommies.


Christie said...

I still think that this is one of the best stories I've heard from you. You are hilarious. And there is nothing more annoying than screaming babies.

Hunter said...

That's embarassing

Potters said...

that was hilarious you were shaking so bad and elder duncan is like stop shaking!